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Usar 24-r Form: What You Should Know

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Usar form 24-r

Instructions and Help about Usar form 24-r

Hello, we can welcome you to our training series. We'll be going over in the next several videos how to approach tie between. For what is tile 24? Why do we call it that? And how to fill out lighting forms for tile 24 compliance? So, the first thing I want to talk about is what is titled 24. There's a bit of a misnomer with this name because tile 24 encompasses a lot of things. Tile 24 is a term for a set of documents that the government has released, and it includes many parts. There's electrical code, which is a part. There's residential code, part 2.5 fire code. You probably have heard the word Cal Green, which is the California green building standards, that's a part 11. And there's also the California energy and efficiency standards code, which is part six. And under that, there's also an envelope and HVAC and lighting and solar and power and all sorts of different parts. So, a lot of times in the industry, people shortcut straight through and call the lighting portion of part six of title 24 just title 24, which can be confusing since title 24 includes the building code, electrical code, and fire code. But what they're really referring to is specifically part six. And oftentimes, the lighting portion of part six. If this is confusing, I have a little comparison here. You can think of this as calling Labradors, which is the type of dog, mammals. Because you know you have all these different types of mammals, including dogs, and then you have all these different types of dogs. So, even though it's called title 24, it encompasses a lot of things and we're really referring to the energy code. And the energy code includes a couple...